"If you choose MOSCHINO, it means that you choose things also freely, as well as I go to a dinner. And I am a restaurant which prepares the known traditional dishes of the most different countries of the world long ago. And I precisely know how it is very tasty to prepare them!"
"The cult of fashion is forbidden! Fashionably what is pleasant to you – be not the victims of fashion". FREE MOSCHINO
Free Moschino is the Italian couturier with unsatiable sense of humour and optimism. His provocative, ironic style became a symbol of disobedience and mischief in the world of dictatorship of classical fashion. Moschino was born in 1950 near Milan.
In the late sixties he is a student of Academy of fine arts, by training and to Moschino's calling is an artist. Having already become the fashion designer, Moschino spoke: "A difference between my clothes and pictures only that cloths are tense on frames, and fabrics on the person".