Givenchy dressed the most beautiful and most famous women of the time, such as Grace Kelly, the princess of Monaco, Jacqueline Kennedy-Onasis, the duchess Windsor, baroness Rothschild.
Main and, perhaps, the only muse the actress Audrey Hepburn was its. After acquaintance to the designer she put on only at it. Not only in life, but also in all the movies. For their joint creativity Givenchy was for the first time awarded by well-known "Oscar". Dressing of the Lincoln car and several hotels "Hilton" became result of his hobby for design. Had not personalized success all what it created. For example, the perfume line of Givenchy belongs creation of the well-known Organza and Amarige. Most brightly the fact that at a funeral of the American president John Kennedy all members of his clan were in the designer's suits demonstrates to popularity of clothes from Givenchy. And, along with Dior, he dressed a world famous Barbie doll.
Someone compared Hubert de Givenchy to Little Prince of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry once. Like, he lives in the thought-up world too. To some extent this is true, but only the great designer didn't go to the dreamland, and brought its charm to millions of admirers.
Unlike many colleagues, Givenchy never did the private life by property of the public. On we try to understand its such saturated creative biography, however, a little. There is nevertheless something that makes related the designer with Little Prince: Hubert's father, Lucian Taffin de Givenchy, belonged to that generation of pilots romantics, as the glorified writer. And as well as he, died absolutely young — his little son was only two years old.
Hubert de Givenchy was born in the house No. 24 down the street Saint-Louis in Bowe's city in France. This then inconspicuous event took place on February 21, 1927. The death of the husband became for the boy's mother the present tragedy. Only respecting a grief of mother and understanding that she just won't endure it, Hubert forbade himself to dream of the sky. The feeling of flight could be had and on the earth - enjoying beauty of the world around. It is available not to all, but those who are capable of it are really happy. It is the imagination. Somehow, when the boy was only 10 years old, mother took him with herself on the Parisian fair. For it was a real discovery that the pavilion of fashion was the most attractive place for Hubert. In it 30 works of the best-known designers of that time were exposed. Future great couturier critically examined each of creations of the predecessors and, probably, decided for himself that in the future he will sew even better.