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The furniture line of a brand is various and includes a set of product names. Surprisingly the fact that things which have a different origin are perfectly combined in one interior. The founder of the company was fond of a collecting of objects of art and life of the different people. When you sees the furniture issued by Eichholtz in one catalog or in one room, the unusual phenomenon is found: it appears, the objects standing nearby don't look contrastly though it can be a chair from India and a mirror dresser of Eichholtz from the Scandinavian countries.

In what styles of an interior such products can be pertinent? First of all, furniture of Eichholtz is recommended to be purchased everything admirers of eclecticism. If you have talent to combine various styles in one interior, then this brand surely will be pleasant to you. For colonial southern style, a country, Provence, any other ethnic directions (African, Scandinavian, Spanish, Mexican) it is also possible to pick up furniture of a brand. Fashionable now стильлофт and many other modern trends are well supplemented with products of the company.