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Hugo Ferdinand Boss founded the company in 1923. At the small Boss factory I made men's wear from textiles. Mostly overalls for workers, cleaners, builders. And for someone. In the late thirties Hugo Boss (Hugo Boss) began to sew a form for Nazi soldiers. Before Hugo Boss (Hugo Boss) had neither a name, nor big profit, but the accession to the National Socialist Party and the large order great inspired the owner. Hugo Boss (Hugo Boss) developed design of uniforms of officers of CC, attack planes, members of the youth organization Hitler-Jugend and armed forces of Germany. At Hugo Boss factories (Hugo Boss) prisoners of war from concentration camps worked.

The form, the developed Hugo Boss (Hugo Boss) for Nazis, was very convenient and functional, and after it with a regret recognized the most fashionable for all history of a military uniform. Later Boss Jr. was recognized that all advantages and style of uniforms from Hugo Boss (Hugo Boss) were discredited by people who wore a uniform.